AP Physics 2 Lab – Specific Gravity and Buoyancy
Goals: Determine an experimental value for the specific gravity (or density) of two materials: brass and stainless steel. Confirm Archimedes’ principle and the properties of buoyancy. Test Newton’s 3rd Law as applied to the phenomenon of buoyancy.
Record of the Experiment:
1. Create a well-labeled diagram showing the basic lab setup.
2. Create a data table and record all data from the various trials. It should be clear the meaning of the data, including units.
3. In one or both of the above it should be clear to the reader how the devices and equipment were zeroed and/or calibrated.
Interpretation and analysis of the data:
Completed report:
o Well-labeled diagram showing the lab setup
o Data Table (this can include some calculated values at your discretion)
o Specific gravity analysis and/or graph(s)
o Buoyancy graph
o Newton’s 3rd Law analysis and/or graph(s)
o Summary and conclusions: Draw appropriate conclusions, ask and answer relevant questions, calculate and discuss error, etc. You should know what to do – the usual logical things!
o Group Option only: short description or list of contribution(s) of each group member
Group Option:
If you choose to do so you may team up with one or two classmates for the production of this lab report. Maximum group size is three. IF you choose to do this, then divide or share the work of analyzing the data and producing a single report to turn in. Each group member will receive the same grade on the report – it will be graded in the usual way. Divide the work however you want, whatever you can agree upon – however, all members of the group must contribute something to the report or simply share the work together with the team.
You do NOT have to work with a group. If you prefer, you can create your own unique report and receive a grade in the usual way.